英语翻译麻烦大神翻译下面这段 口语就行.调查问卷又称调查表或询问表,是以问题的形式系统地记载调查内容的一种印件.问卷可以


  • Investigation questionare is also called investigation form or inquiry form.It's a kind of hard copy of systematically taking down the investigation contents by using question type.

    A questionare could be a type of form,card or noting.

    The design of questionare is a key of investigation.

    A perfect questionare needs to have two main function.Fisrt,it can fully express the question to the respondents; second,It makes the respondents are willing to answer the questions.For achieving these two functions,it needs to follow a dedicated principle and process for designing a questionare such as the time order and category order and so on.The answering method could be an achievement answering type,open type and close type.