整句翻译为我没有进一步使用电脑have no further use for 是一个短语意思是不再需要/不再喜欢
请问 further use 原句是 I have no further use of the computer.请问这
I have been told that you are going to the US to further you
英语翻译Please use the space below for further explanation of yo
It____(hope) that every one of us can get the further educat
请问 I use my computer to send e-mails.和 I use my computer for
请问这两句是否相同?原句:I used to work fourteen hours a day.可否改为: I use
Have a nice day further!这句话加了 Further 谢谢诸位了.
do you think the computer need to be further improved 这句话是对是
further,the practicality of having all the tourists adopt th
请问这句话怎么翻译?Will keep you be posted about further development.
22.I don’t think it is any use____ this matter any further.