求一篇英语作文 急用对每个人来说,运动都是必不可少的.请你写一篇短文,讲述你曾经看过的印象最深的一场比赛.内容包括:1.


  • Today, we win, we feel very happy. Every day we carefully trained to have paid off, not only for our own glory, more national glory.

    Every day we get up very early, the coach led us to run, to strengthen our physical, in order for us to adhere to the race to the end. Then into the skills training, to maintain their strengths, strengthen their weaknesses, for us to play in the race many of the ball skills to beat opponents. Although we tired, but did not despair, we believe that one day we will win. Today, we proved that we are the best.

    Thank you to all those who support us, and we will continue our efforts to achieve better results!
