以下是用于连接具有相同语法功能并列项时 and 和逗号的使用规则,供参考:
1. and 用来连接具有相同语法功能的两个并列项;
如:A crowd of people gathered round him and a lady rubbed his arm with soap and butter. —— 两个分句的语法功能是相同的.
2. 逗号是表达一个完整意思时几个并列项中间除最后一项外的停顿,用以分隔句子结构内的思想或要素;如果一个句子存在两个以上的并列项,前几个要用逗号隔开,而最后一项则需要用 and 连接;
如:A crowd of people gathered round him, a lady rubbed his arm with soap and butter and an old man amiled at him.
3. 并列项的连接,一般说来逗号和 and 不需要重复使用,但是当其中一个并列项的长度达到一口气念下来气促时,and 前则需要用逗号隔开;
如:A crowd of people gathered round him ,and a lady stood calmly and rubbed his arm with soap and butter while the others were looking at him smiling.
4. 有时候,由于句子中起其他作用的逗号影响到句子的层次关系,and 前也需要用逗号隔开;
如:I did not answer, and he, too, kept silent. 我没有回答, (而)他也不作声.
5. 如果并列的分句之间出现其他结构的插入成分,插入成分的前后都需要用逗号隔开,结果也使得连接最后一个并列句的 and 前出现了逗号.
如:A crowd of people gathered round him,as it happened, and a lady rubbed his arm with soap and butter,