高一英语短文改错(10处)One of the problems with cellphones and beepers


  • One of the problems with cellphones and beepers are (改为is)that they can be a major source of distraction(分心).There is nothing bad(改为worse) than someone`s cellphone ringing in middle of something important. And if the people actual (改为actually)start talking, it`s even worse. This is why many a (去掉a)teachers are trying to ban cellphones and beepers from school.They said cellphones and beepers disrupt their classrooms and totally blow their student`s(改为students') concentration(注意力).Worse still,if they go off during a test,they can really hurt someone`s grade(改为grades).So(改为But) lots of people disagree.Some kids have to keep in touth(加上with) parents,friends.Rather than banning(改为ban) it(改为them),some kids should use them responsibly.