1.According to R.H.Robins,what forms the core of modern ling


  • 1.Phonetics,Phonology,Morphology,Syntax,Semantics and Pragmatics.

    2.Linguistics can be defined as the scientific or systematic study of language.It is a science in the sence that it scientifically studies the rule,systems and principles of human laguages.It deals with a wide range of linguistic phenomena,analyzes them,and make general statements about them.Linguistics is always guided by the three canons of science:(1) exhaustiveness (2) consistency (3) economy

    3.analytic language(分析语):in which separate words realize grammatical distinctions that in other languages may be realized by in felctions.

    4.synyhetic languages(综合语):in which grammatical distinctions are realized by infection.

    5.syntax(句法学):the term used to refer to the srtucture of sentences and to the study of sentences structure.

    6.the definition of syntax:Syntax is the study of the rules governing the way words aree combined to form sentences in a language ,or simply,the study of the formation of sentences.