Parents being slaves to the children为题的英语作文


  • The relationships between parents and children are becoming strange and complex because many parents are being slaves to their children,they spend almost all of their lifetime cultivating their children from little kids to teenagers and even when their children grow up and get married,these parents are still at service.

    In china,the one-child policy is widespread and each family just has only one child,so when the baby is born,he or she becomes the apple of parents’ eyes.Then parents are trying their best to give their little kid the most comfortable living condition and expensive toys,maybe their kids just want to compete with each other,but parents will do anything they can to satisfy child’s needs.This certainly leads to parents’ struggle to make as much money as possible.I think it’s more accurate to say that parents are being slaves to children than being slaves to money.

    Parents will feel more strain when their little kid turns teenager.At this point,it’s more evident to see parents becoming slaves,especially on college enrollment day.We are always seeing that parents are loaded down with heavy luggage,while their child is just holding cell phone and walking casually.I’m sorry to see that.As college students,it’s necessary to prove self-reliance as grown-ups,however,many students fail to do that.Parents not only have to arrange their child’s daily life,they are also expected to take responsibility for the high tuition fee.Absolutely,you can blame that parents dote too much on their child,but they actually become “child slave” unconsciously.

    As children grow up and get married,their parents also become old and frail,but they haven’t loaded their responsibilities down.They give financial support to their child to afford a house and become the baby-sitter when their child gives birth to a pretty baby.These parents would suffer from huge economic and physical pressure.What’s worse,their child takes it for granted.

    Parents struggle their whole life for child,and devote themselves to fostering child,so unfortunately,they become the salves to their child.