three,nine,five,___,seven,___,___,eight-one 找规律
3 9 5 25 7 49 9 81
3²=9 5²=25.以此类推
three five eight five eight five seven nine two 数字是多少?
seven six nine eight one three eight three seven 女的给男的写的
TEL:(zero five seven four)six three two eight zero nine thre
two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine thousand后面要不要加s
one two three five nine twelve thirty fouty-two eight hundre
eight four five zero seven one sevev zero nine 是生么意思
one two three four five six seven eitht nine ten eleven twel
five five five four three seven eight O/ne 猜成语
There are more wary of one,three,five,seven and nine.求英语大神翻译