

  • wall run tutorial 跑墙教学

    some common mistakes:常见的错误.

    DO NOT jump and kick the wall.跳起来时别踢墙.

    DO NOT try to run parallel to the wall.别试着顺着墙的竖面跑.

    Your feet will just lide off.你只能滑下来.

    DO NOT use your hands...unless you have claws.别试图抓墙,除非你有爪子.

    Some Inspirations一些示范.

    Getting Started:开始训练.

    first check to make sure your shoes have good grip on the wall you want to train.


    Before you learn to run on walls,learn to walk on them first.


    Start with 1 walking step and practice until you can do it comfortably.


    Remember it's a walk,not a run.记住,是走,不是跑.

    It should be very relaxed.应该很自然.

    Don't worry about gaining height or distance yet.先别管距离和高度.

    I'm doing both sides but the wall-on-right-side is my preferred side.


    If you're right handed and right footed,wall-on-right is probably your better side too.


    It's good to be able to wallrun both sides but for the learning stage just work on the better side first.


    When you get comfortable with 1 step,try walking 2 steps on the wall.


    And then move on to 3 steps.然后来三步.

    This one might need more of a jog but remember to keep it as controlled and effortless as possible.


    As you get more comfortable with the 3 step jog,keep increasing the speed and stride length and eventually you'll be running 3 steps

    on the wall.


    Height and distance will come later as you do more general leg conditioning and jumping exercises.


    The whole wallrun is basically one big jump.整个跑墙基本上就是个大跳.

    So make sure you get a good push off the ground.所以,试着要往高里跳.

    The steps on the wall just help to move the body along and keep the hang time longer.


    Other useful tips:要点:

    Approach and exit the wall at 45 degree angles.上下墙的时候,要用45度角.

    try it on a slanted wall if there's one avaible.如果可以的话,先用有斜度的墙来.

    think of the wall as a really steep slope.墙的概念就是一个斜度很大的坡.

    eat ice-cream and play lots of video games.多吃冰激凌,多打游戏.