

  • 强调句的基本结构是“It+be+被强调成分+that (who/whom)…”.

    It was Jim that told us the news.(强调句型的陈述句形式)

    Was it Jim that told us the news?(强调句型的一般疑问句形式),一般疑问句,只需把be提前.

    Who was it that told us the news?(强调句型的特殊疑问句形式),只需在一般疑问句前加上疑问词,可视为对陈述句强调中的被强调成分提问得来(对Jim提问)


    1.强调句型特点是:去掉It be …that/who…,句子成分完整.

    It is in the street that I met her 强调句 把it is that 去掉,句子完整,in the street I met her.

    It is clear that not all boy like foot ball,去掉后,clear not all boy like football不完整,不是强调句(是主语从句)


    It is the street where I met her 定语从句 where 关系副词 做定语从句中的地点状语;

    3.如果强调时间地点 就看前面有没有介词,It is in the morning/at some place that.一般情况下就是强调