因为前面是过去的完成时,所以后面要用一般过去时.如果把hadn't expected改为didn't expected ,后面就改用动词原形break了.
请问在句中Tom hadn't expected that his plan would break/broke dow
From his _______ look, we could see that he hadn’t expected00
The ___ look on his face showed that he hadn’t expected it .00
hadn't expected Tom to apologize but I had hoped ------00
I hadn't expected Tom to apologize but I had hoped ------00
he didn't expect that his proposal would meet with such stro00
it is (that) tom often breaks the school rules(that)makes hi00
he never expected that he would ______president of his count00
The weather was very good, _______we hadn’t expected. [00
I hadn't expected Robert _____,but I had hoped _____.00
l would rather you hadn't told me that bad news yesterday 为什00