

  • Many students want to know the difference between Amercian English and British English,and where the differences originate from. It's not something you could easily explain within a few sentences. At the beginning they were the same. Since the independence of USA in 1977, the two languages begin to diverge. For quite a long time, the Americans kept their language the same, but the British changed theirs. For example, 300 years ago, the British used the word "fall" for "autumn", but nowadays most of them would use the word "autumn". However, many Americans still use the word "fall" for "autumn" till this day. Also, Americans like to say "i guess" to mean "I think", which is precisely what the British used 300 years ago. ( 不知道我用的生词多不多,本人在英国住所以会带有英式英语,如果需要用词更简单的版本请楼主说一声~)