

  • (1).用所给动词的适当形式填空.

    1.A lot of water_wastes_ (waste)every year.

    2.The children_are told_(tell)not to play on thee road.

    3.Fish may_be caught_(catch)in the rivers or lakes.

    4._Are_English_spoken_(speak)in china?

    5.Books and magazines_sell_(sell)in bookstores

    6.Maotai Wine_produces_(produce)in Guizhou.

    7.Homework should _be done_(do)by the students every day.


    1.Two hands are better than one.——三个臭皮匠胜过一个诸葛亮.

    2.When the cats are away,the mice will play.——山中无老虎,猴子称大王.

    3.black sheep——害群之马