请问三者结合用什么英文单词?比如说“我们将a,b,c三者结合起来”英文怎么说?可以说combine a, b and c


  • 可以.Combine把多种事物统一成一个 to unite into a single number or expression.


    transitive verb

    1 a : to bring into such close relationship as to obscure individual characters : MERGE *two companies combining forces* b : to cause to unite into a chemical compound c : to unite into a single number or expression *combine fractions and simplify*

    2 : INTERMIX, BLEND *combine the sugar and flour*

    3 : to possess in combination *a writer whose works combine imagination and scholarship*

    intransitive verb

    1 a : to become one b : to unite to form a chemical compound

    2 : to act together *many factors combined to cause the recession*