A long time ago,there was a king(国王),he wanted to _1 everyth


  • 1.A.Play B.know C.make D.look.(B )

    2.A.important B.simple C.impossible D.lucky ( C)

    3.A.help B.get C.send D.agree (A )

    4.A.newspaper B.CDs C.tutors D.books ( D)

    5.A.sold B.showed C.lent D.compared (B )

    6.A.stopped B.collected C.took D.saved ( C)

    7.A.Or B.So C.And D.But ( D)

    8.A.write B.buy C.read D.borrow (C )

    9.A.ten B.hundreds of C.five D.thousands of ( A)

    10.A.active B.weak C.upset D.excited (B)