

  • Ask yourself this: do you become nervous when you are placed in the spotlight? Do strangers make you shudder? Does the simple thought of talking in front of people make you want to run to the nearest restroom? Do you immediately want to leave that restroom if someone else is in there already? Well guess what -- you're not alone! Many people in the world suffer from mild to extreme shyness -- and are struggling to overcome it. Remember that breaking out from that shell doesn't magically happen overnight. It takes time, effort, and of course, the desire to change.

    If you have vowed to overcome shyness here are three important tips to encourage your success:

    1. Be your own best friend.

    Positive interactions with others are more natural if you know how to have a positive interaction with yourself first.

    2. Leave comparisons behind.

    When you look at other people, you see only the good side they allow everyone to see. People do not tend to wear their hurt or worry on their sleeves, but that does not mean they do not exist. Even seeminglt confident people have to overcome shyness to get ahead.

    3. Practice makes better.

    There is no cure for shyness. At one point in your life, shyness may have benefited you because of circumstances you were dealing with at the time. However, as you have made the decision to break free and overcome shyness, it is important to look for little ways to practice being your more outgoing self. Talk with friends about new topics.