It is March now.It is time to plant trees.


  • It is March now. It is time to plant trees.

    Look!There is 1.little girl in front of the house.What is she doing?She is 2watering some flowers.3.Who are the man and the 4.woman beside the house?They are the girl's parents.What are they doing? They are planting trees.

    Look at the children near the 5.road .They are 6.Young Pioneers. Are they 7.playing or working?They are working.They are planting apple trees.Some are 8.carrying water,9.others are watering the trees. 10All of the children are busy. 11On the hill,there are many people.What are they doing?They are planting trees,12too.Look at all the trees on the hill!How 13.hard all these people are working!

    1little 2watering 3Who 4woman 5road 6Young 7 playing 8carrying 9others 10All 11on 12too 13hard