求spiders and ants 小英语作文


  • Frying spiders and burning ants

    Anyone in Sydney will have no doubt noticed that the Supreme Being (whoever that may be) decided that the city needed its heating turned up and adjusted the dial accordingly.On New Year's Day I was rudely awoken by an alarming feeling which was similar to what it must be like to be a lobster boiling slowly in a pot.I can only kneel before the?person who created air conditioning.Australia should?set up a public holiday in their honour.Let them be deified for they are truly worthy of our praise.

    But no,I joke and badly too.The fact remains that Sydney is experiencing?one of the worst summers,if not the worst in living memory.Temperatures reaching the high 30's and low 40's are hardly conducive to human activity; or any activity for that matter.Something is wrong when you read stories of spiders frying like eggs?on tiles and ants burning their feet on footpaths.It?frightens me that we have these hot?winds which are so stifling that you can hardly breathe.Bushfires breaking out all over the nation are normal at this time of year so don't be too surprised on that account.But don't remember days as hot as some of the scorchers that we have had this summer.

    The media shouts global warming but let's put aside our hatred of the press for the moment.I know I keep saying it but Sydney's weather has lost its mind.Australian winters have become warmer.Each day it seems like it no longer knows whether it's going to be hot or cold; if there is going to be rain or...nothing.It has reached the point where I take no umbrella as there is no hint of rain and then suddenly a downpour begins.Or?I take it?as they have forecast rain and?end up sorely disappointed as none?falls.Climate change is here,I am sure of it.New Orleans had its hurricane.Sydney is having its heatwave.Insanity has taken hold of the weather.

    I am aware that this blog's capability to depress is endless.It is an important topic though.One that affects the only known planet where an entire variety of fascinating life exists.Politicians like?Mr Bush treats the planet like his personal plaything and I think there is a large amount of evidence that we are seeing the results.I love the Aussie summer but I don't want the heat that characterises it magnified to ridiculous levels.That would be too much of a good thing.