英语辩论:The nation is unprepared for the disaster


  • 可以这样开头:

    There has been a casted shadow on the Chinese public by the past drastic earthquakes in

    Wenchuan,Sichuan Province and Yushu,a county in Qinghai Province.Regarding the rescure

    process,admittedly there is improvement compared to the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008;

    however,there is room for a further step forward.

    In order to prepare the public to deal with teh disasters better,we should first of all

    make sure that people are aware of the basic techniques essential for self-protection and

    rescuring.For example,the buddy system is crucial in emergencies like earthquake.

    However,a praise-worth example on this is from the Sangzao high school in Anxian county during

    the Wenchuan earthquake.The principal in that school was aware of the condemned building

    when he took over the school,therefore regular measures were taken to reinforce the building

    and students are trained how to face emergency.It is rewarding because when the earthquake struck

    Wenchuan,none of the student got injured.It strongly indicates how important well-preparedness

    can save lives.


    But,+陈述反例,说明以上只是极个别的;以证明nation is unprepared

    for disaster.