Who can tell me history of English?


  • Today’s English is the continuation of the language of the 5th-century Germanic invaders of Britain.No records exist of pre-invasion forms of the language.The language most closely related to English is the West Germanic language Frisian.The history of English is an aspect of the history of the English people and their development.Thus in the 9th cent.the standard English was the dialect of dominant Wessex (see Anglo-Saxon literature).The Norman Conquest (11th cent.) brought in foreign rulers,whose native language was Norman French; and English was eclipsed by French as the official language.When English became again (14th cent.) the language of the upper class,the capital was London,and the new standard (continued in Modern Standard English) was a London dialect.

    It is convenient to divide English into periods—Old English (or Anglo-Saxon; to c.1150),Middle English (to c.1500; see Middle English literature),and Modern English; this division implies no discontinuity,for even the hegemony of French affected only a small percentage of the population.The English-speaking areas have expanded at all periods.Before the Normans the language was spoken in England and Southern Scotland,but not in Cornwall,Wales,or,at first,in Strathclyde.English has not completely ousted the Celtic languages from the British Isles,but it has spread vastly overseas.

    A Chronology of the English Language

    55 BCE Roman invasion of Britain under Julius Caesar

    43 CE Roman invasion and occupation under Emperor Claudius.Beginning of Roman rule of Britain

    436 Roman withdrawal from Britain complete

    449 Anglo-Saxon settlement of Britain begins

    450-480 Earliest Old English inscriptions date from this period

    597 St.Augustine arrives in Britain.Beginning of Christian conversion of the Anglo-Saxons

    731 The Venerable Bede publishes The Ecclesiastical History of the English People in Latin

    792 Viking raids and settlements begin

    865 The Danes occupy Northumbria

    871 Alfred becomes king of Wessex.He has Latin works translated into English and begins practice of English prose.The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle is begun

    911 Charles II of France grants Normandy to the Viking chief Hrolf the Ganger.The beginning of Norman French

    c.1000 The oldest surviving manuscript of Beowulf dates from this period

    1066 The Norman conquest

    c.1150 The oldest surviving manuscripts in Middle English date from this period

    1171 Henry II conquers Ireland

    1204 King John loses the province of Normandy to France

    1348 English replaces Latin as the medium of instruction in schools,other than Oxford and Cambridge which retain Latin

    1349-50 The Black Death kills one third of the British population

    1362 The Statute of Pleading replaces French with English as the language of law.Records continue to be kept in Latin.English is used in Parliament for the first time

    1384 Wyclif publishes his English translation of the Bible

    c.1388 Chaucer begins The Canterbury Tales

    c.1400 The Great Vowel Shift begins

    1476 William Caxton establishes the first English printing press

    1485 Caxton publishes Malory's Le Morte d'Arthur

    1492 Columbus discovers the New World

    1525 William Tyndale translates the New Testament

    1536 The first Act of Union unites England and Wales

    1549 First version of The Book of Common Prayer

    1564 Shakespeare born

    1603 Union of the English and Scottish crowns under James the I (VI of Scotland)

    1604 Robert Cawdrey publishes the first English dictionary,Table Alphabeticall

    1607 Jamestown,the first permanent English settlement in the New World,established

    1611 The Authorized,or King James Version,of the Bible is published

    1616 Death of Shakespeare

    1623 Shakespeare's First Folio is published

    1666 The Great Fire of London.End of The Great Plague

    1702 Publication of the first daily,English-language newspaper,The Daily Courant,in London

    1755 Samuel Johnson publishes his dictionary

    1770 Cook discovers Australia

    1776 Thomas Jefferson writes the Declaration of Independence

    1782 Washington defeats Cornwallis at Yorktown.Britain abandons the American colonies

    1788 British penal colony established in Australia

    1803 Act of Union unites Britain and Ireland

    1828 Noah Webster publishes his dictionary

    1851 Herman Melville publishes Moby Dick

    1922 British Broadcasting Company founded

    1928 The Oxford English Dictionary is published