I did not notice that she was growing frailer and less incli


  • I did not notice that she was growing frailer and less inclined to laugh.

    1.that引导的宾语从句.【that】 she was growing frailer and less inclined to laugh 整句做notice的宾语.

    2.宾语从句中含有一个and连接的并列句.she was growing frailer 【and】 less inclined to laugh.拆成2句就是:she was groing frailer and she was less inclined to laugh.2句公用一个主语(she)和谓语(was).

    3.并列句中隐含了2个比较句-frailer and less.说她比以前身体更虚弱了,没以前爱笑了.

    4.grow+比较级=变得更怎么样了.grow frailer,变得更虚弱了.grow bigger,长的更大了.