英语翻译It's the first time feel that this city maybe is good fo


  • It's the first time feel that this city maybe is good for me.


    Walk along the Lovers Road and enjoy the romantic venture.


    Not willing to leave, for the tranquility and for the person.

    希望离开 为了个人的宁静

    The flavor is still there on my body, and I know that is yours.

    那种气味还在我身上 我知道这是你的味道

    R U doing the same thing when I'm missing U?


    Clouds are moving with the wind, but I am still at the original.

    云彩随风飘动 单是我还是那个我

    If the time is colorful,


    Afraid of the season leaves yellow.


    Don't come, the fall of leaf!

    不要来 落叶

    Don't leave, the leaf of fall!

    不要来 落叶