英语翻译4.0 Data and Message Exchange Patterns for Enterprise SO


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    4.0 Data and Message Exchange Patterns for Enterprise SOA

    4.0 针对企业SOA的数据和信息交换模式(SOA:service-oriented architecture面向服务架构)

    The most basic message exchange pattern is a common Request-Response where the parties can simply communicate with each other. This is the basic building block of most SOA interactions and is depicted below.


    4.1 Request-Response

    4.1 要求-反应(或请求-响应)

    Request-Response is a pattern in which the service consumer uses configured client software to issue an invocation request to a service provided by the service provider. The request results in an optional response, as shown in Figure 4-1.


    4.2 Request-Response via Service Registry (or Directory)

    4.2 经由服务注册表(或索引)的"要求-反应"

    An optional service registry can be used within the architecture to help the client automatically configure certain aspects of its service client. The service provider pushes changes regarding the service’s details to the registry to which the consumer has subscribed. When the changes are made, the service consumer is notified of these changes and can configure its service client to talk to the service. This is represented conceptually in Figure 4-2.


    4.3 Subscribe-Push

    4.3 订阅-推

    A third pattern for interaction is called Subscribe-Push, shown in Figure 4-3. In this pattern, one or more clients register subscriptions with a service to receive messages based on some criteria. Regardless of the criteria, the externally visible pattern remains the same.


    Subscriptions may remain in effect over long periods before being canceled or revoked. A subscription may, in some cases, also register another service endpoint to receive notifications. For example, an emergency management system may notify all fire stations in the event of a major earthquake using a common language such as the OASISxv Common Alerting Protocol (CAP)


    Note that this pattern can be triggered by a multitude of events. In figure 4-3, an auditable event is triggering a message being sent to a subscribed client. The trigger could be a service consum- er’s action, a timeout action, or a number of other actions that are not listed in the example above. Each of these represents a specialization of the Subscribe-Push pattern.
