"I love you,Pop" "I love you too,John." John is four ,and I'


  • I love you, Pop," I love you too, John."

    John is four, and I'm his grandpa. I've 16 where the name “Pop” came from. He has called me this since he was able to talk, it was original to him. "We're17 , aren't we, Pop? He often says. He always 18 to wear his boots when I do. "We're twins,” he tells me, though sometimes it takes much imagination on my part to see the similarity.

    John stayed overnight with me recently. It was a _19 time for both of us because it was the first time 'he had slept at my house for a night since I had been living 20 . John's grandmother-“Neeny"he called her-had died only a few weeks before 21 after she had a brief fight with cancer, It was only half a month since she was diagnosed with cancer.

    On this night, we read stories and played games as usual. But this night we also 22 . Neeny and the things we three had done together, I could see that he was trying to 23 . me. “ I'll sleep next to you so you won't be lonely',” he said seriously .

    The hustle and bustle(忙绿)of Christmas had stopped us from some of the necessary discussions that needed to 24 at a time like this. John was feeling the hurt of his 25 , and his grandmother had always loved him,

    John did keep me from being lonely that night and what i saw when ! 26 the next morning 27 me in a way I shall never forget. Around my shoes on the floor beside the bed were

    John's little ones, as close to mine as they could be 28 ."'We're friends, you know, John had said as we lay together before falling asleep. People 29 people, especially when the 30 are difficult for them, and the people are grandfather and grandmother. 16.A, forgotten B. replied C. known D. accepted 17.A. enemies

    B. stars

    C. friends

    D. babies

    18.A. continues B. refuses C. remembers D. wants 19.A.relaxing B. pleasant C. special D. traditional 20.A. happily

    B. alone

    C. quietly

    D. sadly

    21.A. Easter B. Mother Day C. New Year's Day D. Christmas

    22.A. worried about B. talked about C. calmed down D. set down 23.A. comfort B. persuade C. praise D. understand 24.A. break out B. turn out C. turn up D. take place 25.A. hunger B, memory C, failure D. loss 26.A. started off B. cooled off C. woke up D. stood up 27.A. reminded

    B. changed

    C. warned

    D. touched

    28.A. placed B. thrown C. made D. used 29.A. appreciate B. need C. hate D. blame 30.A. moments B. bodies C. dreams D. others

    答案是16-30 ACDCB DBADD CDABA
