

  • 你搞错了!现在这就是汉语啊!应该是翻译成英文.

    Ages of the classic love story is always in the most touching moment,a perpetual freeze frame.In other words:the classic love story of great tragedy.Perhaps it is because the left too much regret,that the story can be spread so far?Can always make people marvel at,the tears fell the pain?I remember showing the film,some people even have 10 handkerchief approach.I always think:to die at such a time,Jack is happy.Just think:If there are no wrecks,without farewell,they do love stand day after day,year after year,nothing exciting years of the invasion it?

    Film (story) The Love is always dynamic,death only look good,life is love each other,plain spend the most exciting life.Ordinary is the most true.The world in the end there is always?Maybe forever is forever when you say - that moment is foreve