但是我没有勺子.用英语说不要But I have no spoon.
But I have no spoon.
学习是一件愉快的事! (*^__^*)
我有一道英语谜语,I have cites but no house.I have forests but no tre
但是我不能得到 用英语怎么说如题就是But I can't(得到)
I have no idea是“我没有主意”还是“我不知道”
I have no legs.But I can walk .I have no mouth.But I can tal
英语问题我对运动没有兴趣: I have no interest in sports还是 I have no inter
英语谜语I have a face,but I have no feet.I can walk,but I can't
英语密语,谁能帮帮我解答一下?I have a neck,but no head.I have tow arms,but
我想要我英语老师的签名,但是我不好意思开口.(用would have造句.I would have.)
吻个英语句子~我本来要吃,但是我没有,这个英语句子请问怎么表达呢?I meant to take mine,but I-
迷语I have no iegs But I can waik I have no mouth But I can ta