用括号内所给词的正确形式填空:LUKE:What (1) _______ you _______ (do),Su Mei


  • LUKE:What (1) ____are___ you ____doing___ (do),Su Mei?

    SU MEI :I (2) ___am reading____ (read) a storybook.I (3) ___love____ (love) reading storybooks.

    I often (4) __ borrow___ (borrow) some from the library.What about you?

    LUKE I:(5) ___find____ (find) cartoon books more interesting.

    I (6) ____am reading___ (read) one called The Monkey King right now.I often (7) ___ask____ (ask) my father

    to buy some cartoon books for me.


    SU MEI:What's in that box?I (8)__don't__understand___ (not understand) French.

    LUKE:It (9)__contains_____(contain) tartes aux pommes.That (10)___means____(mean) apple pies.Try some!

    SU MEI:Mmm ...it (11) ____smells___ (smell) good.But I (12)__don't think_____(not think) I'll try it.I(13) _am_ losing___(lose) weight,so I (14)__need_____(need) to go on a diet!