它是一种因果关系,也就是舍得的关系. It is a causal relationship, which is willing relations. 舍就是付出,是为自己做事的心态,要当作事业做,自己要勇于承担,承担是成长的开始,成长是成熟的开始,成熟是成功的开始. Care is paid, is the mentality of doing things for themselves, as cause to do so, to their sense of commitment, the commitment is growing, growth is a mature, maturity is successful start. 要懂得舍得的关系. It is necessary to understand the relationship between the willing. 舍的本身就是得. Itself is in the care of. 小舍小得大舍大得不舍不得,而打工的心态是应付的心态. Small homes on large homes in the得不reluctant, but the mentality is to meet the wage mentality. 表现为老师来帮我就动一动,老师走了打麻将、打扑克、跳舞照旧;学习时的一点点费用不愿交,上网费也让别人付,总而言之一句话,就是不愿意付出. For the performance of teachers to help me on Dong Yidong, the teacher left playing mahjong, playing poker, dancing as usual, learning a little bit of time to pay fees, also to let others pay the internet, all in all one word, is not willing to pay. 不愿付出的人,总是省钱,省力,省事,最后把成功也省了. Unwilling to pay the people, always save money, and effort, you will end the success of the province. 您想做大做强这份事业就一定要有付出的心态,只有您付出了,您才会得到回报. The stronger you want to do big business on the mentality must be paid, only you pay, you will be rewarded. 付出越多回报越多. The more return to pay more. 只有量的积累,才有质的飞跃. Only the accumulation of only a leap in quality. 因为我们今天做网络做电子商务实际上是一份我为人人、人人为我的事业,我们的成功是建立在下面会员成功的基础之上. Because we do today, do e-commerce network is a fact for all I, my people are the cause of our success is built on the success of the following members of the foundation. 因此我们应把眼光放长远一点,从加盟的第一天起,就要有舍得的心态、为人父母的心态,并层层复制下去直到成功! Therefore, we should look long term, from joining the first day, there should be willing mentality, the mentality of parents and continue until the layers of reproduction success!
做为一个团队的领头人,我们首先的就应该有付出的心态. As a team leader, first of all, we should have to pay on the mentality. 这种心态不是叫你付出金钱,而是要你付出你的时间和精力. Such a mentality is not called you to pay money, but you pay your time and energy.