My deam job 作文


  • Maybe I'll become a doctor. If I become a doctor,I will work with patients.Ilove the job,because I wantto help lots of people,and hope everyone in good health.Maybe I'll become a good cook,but my cook is so bad, I think I can't do that, and I don't like staying in the kitchen everyday. I think being a good cook for me is impossible. So I will be a doctor.翻译:或许我会成为一名医生.如果我成为了医生,我将为病人服务.我很爱这份工作,因为我想要帮助更多的人,希望每个人都能健健康康.或许我会成为一名厨师,但是我的厨艺并不是很好,我认为我不能做好这份工作,并且我不喜欢整天待在厨房.我认为对我来说成为一名好厨师是不可能的.因此我还是成为一名医生更好.