

  • 1.She lost 【her purse】.

    What did she lose?

    2.We did our exercises 【at the beach】.

    Where did you do your exercises?

    4.They left 【at 9:15】.

    When did they leave?

    5.She got here 【by plane】.

    How did she get here?

    6.He sang 【in a concert hall】.

    Where did he sing?

    7.They stayed 【for a week】.

    How long did they stay?

    8.I saw a 【science fiction】 movie.

    What kind of movie did you see?

    9.He cried 【because the movie was sad】.

    Why did he cry?

    10.She wrote a letter to 【her brother】.

    Who did she write a letter to?

    11.They complained about【 the telephone bill】.

    What did they complain about?

    12.We ate 【a lot of 】grapes.

    How many grapes did you eat?

    13.He spoke 【at the meeting】.

    Where did he speak?

    14.They lifted weights 【all morning】.

    How long did they lift weights?

    15.She gave a present to 【her cousin】.

    Who did she give a present to?

    16.I oudered 【apple】 pie.

    What kind of pie did you order?

    17.We rented 【seven】 videos.

    How many videos did you rent?

    18.They sent an e-mail to 【their teacher】.

    Who did they send an e-mail to?

    19.He fell asleep 【during the lecture】.

    When did he fall asleep?

    20.I lost my hat 【while I was skiing】.

    When did you lose your hat?
