3QLi:hi,bill Congratulations!Bill:thank you .you____ the mat


  • Li:hi,bill !Congratulations!恭喜 Bill:thank you .you_ missed___ the match ,didn·t you?你没有错过比赛,对吧?L:Of course,when i got there,you had already ____started playing.so you didn·t see me.当然,当我来的时候,你已经开始比赛了,所以你没看见我 B:It wasn`t easy to __win__ the match .No .2 middle shcool is really a strong ___ team _.赢得比赛不容易呀,2中挺强的,L:But your team is even stronger.i knew you would _ defeat___ them beacuse you had played so well in the league.但是你们更强,我知道你们会打败他们的,因为你们打得太好了 B:we must thank our PE teacher .he kept telling us to remeber teamwork .we did as he _ told___ us and we won the first _place___ in the league at last!我们必须谢谢体育老师,他总是告诉我们记得团队精神,我们也按他说的做了并且最终得了第一名 L:Yes,I agree.Teamwork is very _ important ___in playing football.a single good player can never win a match.我同意.团队精神在足球比赛当中是非常重要的.只有一个好的球员 是不可能赢得比赛的.B:That is ture.说的对.