Problems added: "the Lord of the rings is a British writer John Ronald Reuel Tolkie n's epic fantasy novels, is the fathers of modern orthodox fantasy novels has als o sparked Dungeons &dragons type (Dun geons & Dragons) games and to the pros perity of literature. The Lord of the rings was originally published between 1954 a nd 1955 AD, is an early work tolkien's the hobbit sequel, has been translated into 3 8 languages. Tolkien had planned to publ ish a tome, but because of shortage of p aper after the second world war, so his i deas failed to put into practice. The last novel published can only be divided into three volumes.
英语翻译《魔戒》是英国作家John Ronald Reuel Tolkien的史诗奇幻小说,是现代正统奇幻文学小说的开山
奇幻小说和鬼片 英文分别怎么说00
英语翻译 :“网络是一个奇幻的世界”00
下面有关文学常识的表述,正确的一项是( ) A.沈从文是现代著名作家、京派小说代表人物00
美国文学之父 新希腊诗派之父 英国小说报刊之父 英国小说之父 俄罗斯文学之父 托尔斯泰代表作 主人00
奇幻的梦 作文00
下列有关文学常识的表述,有错误的一项是( ) A.伍尔芙,英国女作家、批评家,意识流小说的代表人物之一。《墙上的斑点》是00