1.It has been pouring for the past few weeks.Make up a dialo


  • 1.Dialogue One

    A:Look!It is still raining.What bad weather!

    B:Yeah,I can agree no more.You know,it has been pouring for a couple of weeks.I can't live with it any longer!

    A:But it seems that the rain will keep up!

    B:My goodness!I can't wait to see the weather clearing up!

    A:Me,too.I miss the outdoor activities a lot!Basketball,fishing,swimming.But they all call for sunny days.

    B:So,why not listen to the weather forecast?Maybe there will be good news about it.

    A:I hope so.Come on,let's go.

    2.Dialogue Two

    A:Oh,my God!The final exams are finally over.I have been nervous for a long time.

    B:Me,too.Then,why not do something to relax?

    A:Sounds great!But what should we do?Any ideas?

    B:I heard there would be an exciting film Avatar in the cinema these days.I'd like to see it very much.

    A:It's really a great film.But I've watched it on the Internet.

    B:Oh,but can't you watch it a second time?

    A:Umm...,I have a better suggestion.There is going to be a concert in the theatre.The Same Song,have you heard it?

    B:Of course I have.I know,many famous singers sing popular songs at the concert.I often watch it on CCTV.

    A:If so,OK?

    B:Great!Let's book the tickets right now!

    A:OK!I'll do it by phone.