Mother`sday 作文


  • Mother's Day is A Celebration In Honor of All Mothers母亲节是一个向所有母亲表达敬意的节日Mother's Day will be celebrated on Sunday May 11, 2003.今年的母亲节是5月11日(母亲节为每年五月的第二个星期日)Gifts have always been a timeless expression of caring. On Mother's Day we invite you to see how much pleasure a handmade gift will bring to your mom.送礼物是表达关爱亘古不变的方式。在母亲节,我们建议你给自己的妈妈自制一份珍贵的礼物。Why spend hours at the mall trying to find the perfect present when you can invest that time making your own, one that comes from the heart? Once those creative juices start flowing, you'll enjoy a sense of satisfaction that can't be bought, and the finished product will hold so much more value to the person you give it to.提醒您:别忘了在母亲节那一天给辛劳了一年的母亲一份祝福!