

  • The Boy Who Cried "Wolf"

    Once upon a time,there was a boy.He had many sheep.Every morning,he brings them to a hill very close to the town that he lived in.He had to look out for wolves,for they love to eat sheep.

    One day,he was bored,so he decided to play a joke.He cried,"Wolf!Wolf!There is a wolf!" When the people in the town heard him,they rushed to the hill to kill the wolf.But when they were there,they only saw the boy laughing.The people were very angry.

    The boy did it again and again,till all the people in the town didn't believe him ever again.One day,a real wolf came.This time,it was for real.The boy cried,"Wolf!Wolf!There is a wolf!" The people didn't listen,for they thought he was lying again.The boy cried and cried,but it was to late.All his sheep were eaten.

    Lying never bring good to people,only trouble.