A jobless boy had been 【in the employ of去掉】employed by Microsoft.But he didn’t have a computer.So he couldn’t be an office boy.The man left,but he only had $10.Then he went to the supermarket an...
特急、英文纠错、越早越加分!A jobless boy had been in the employ of Micros
the moon had once been a planet that had been caught in the
.In fact,he was afraid that the boy’s leg had been broken
There had,of course,been dictionaries in the past ,the first
the micro blog has a large number of users.the micro blog ha
In recent days the remains of what had been Hurricane Isaac
His act was well practiced and had been employed many times.
in-plane 什么意思?The micro-deformation mechanism of honeycombs
2.The increase in the numbers of married women employed outs
不要说长篇大论,越简单越好,has been sold has been sell had been sold had
a jobless man wanted very much to have the position of "offi