会计英语 1、business 2、account form 3、business entity concept 4、t


  • usiness 名词n.1.生意,交易;商业;营业;行业[U][C] Mr.Jones is in the business of selling cars.琼斯先生从事汽车销售.How is business?生意如何?2.商店;商行;公司;企业[C] She started a new business in Phoenix not long ago.不久前她在凤凰城新开了一家公司.account form 账户式,账式 注册会计师英语加试实用资料大全二(会计英语...46account form 账户式,账式 business entity concept 企业 单位等经营实体的概念 transaction名词 n.1.办理,处置,执行[the S] He attends to the transaction of important business himself.他亲自料理重要的生意.2.交易;业务;买卖[C] A record is kept of all the firm's transactions.公司的一切交易都有记载.