文章改错以下是一篇存在很多病句的英语文章 请英语好的哥哥姐姐帮我改正一下 最好能指出句子错在那 怎么错的 Writing


  • 文章改错

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    以下是一篇存在很多病句的英语文章 请英语好的哥哥姐姐帮我改正一下 最好能指出句子错在那 怎么错的

    Best way to remember my English

    The big question is to study English in the best way.How can I do to make the English became easly English is so boring .

    I think such of the plan that to make the English became easly.My friends always tell me I need to study more.I like that two sports so much,then I can remember easly.Sometimes I will go to the bookstore,internet...to find the things I need to study for...

    I think English is so hard for me,but it has such of funs in it.If you find a best ways to study your English.Then you will be so easy to remember whatever you want to remember!

    你的这篇文章.真的有很多错字啦.不过希望我改的这篇,你不用重复的用某一些单词,就好像:SO,study.等等.有些东西,你说过了两次或者一次,人家都会知道,你在说什么.中间那里,My Canadian Friend 这里,你直接写成 Friend 就行了,老师不会在意你的朋友是 Canadian 还是 American 反正是个人就行了.管它的.中间的那部分(If you have a book it makes me think it is a big thing to study .One book ,300 pages ,is a big thing for me to study ,I get bored .So my Canadian friend suggest internet or going to Kyobo book store .He Has an excellent point with magazines and the internet .Magazines have short articles and stories and are only about what I want to study .I go to Kyobo and buy one basketball and one baseball magazines .Articles are short and words are alittle difficult .) ,不写都可以.它不是重点,如果你还加这段下去的话,你的文章就会变成流水账.不知道你在说什么.我这样讲好像有点严.如果我是老师的话,这篇文章就多就是60分.不要介意啊!
