Success has been an issue broadly discussed and defined by different approaches.Some say that being successful means being wealthy.Others associate succes with popularity and power.A thired approach would relate success with social anf emotional well-being.So we come to the questions:When can be someone considered successful?and What skills make success easier to achieve?
In order to answer the second question,we should have a point of view about what success is.If consider that someone is really successful when that person is able to handle and enjoy social relationships.A laedership and feels lonely because he connot establish a deep friendship,can we really say such leader is successful?On the other hand,a wealthy person may have all the possessions money can buy,but again,what if he connot manage a marriage or a friendship?This person is likely to feel lonly and unsatisfied.
Developing social abilities may be a very helpful skill for a person to learn,in order to be successful in the social-emotional side of his or her life.One ability to develop could be effective and assertive commuication.Many misunderstanding and conflicts can be prevented if we express our ideas clealy and respectfully.And if we laern to ask for clarification when we feel threatened or offended bu something someone told us.Another ability could be leaning to handle teamwork.We need to learn work with others at work,at home,at school,in our community.Getting into an agreement with our parents,coworkers and friends is a situation that can become hard to handle sometimes.Dealing with teamwork can be really helpful.Finally we could add the ability to deal with conflicts with pthers and conflicts with our own wisher or decisions.We will always find obstacles in our paths;it can be quite useful to know how to overcome them.
Frome my point of view,I would define success as being able to enjoy what you have,waht you do and who you deal with everyday.And to achieve success,you should have skills that help you handle relationships with your peers.We are social creatures;we need each other to succeed,and enjoy our success.