

  • 当山峰没有棱角的时候It would be not until the mountain crumbled

    当河水不再流 and Stream run dry

    当时间停住日夜不分 and Time stood still

    and Days ceased recurring

    当天地万物化为虚有 and Universe disappeared

    我还是不能和你分手 would I part from you

    你的温柔是我今生最大的守候 Your tenderness engages me for lifetime

    当太阳不再上升的时候 It would be After the Sun ever rose

    当地球不再转动 and Earth ever went

    当春夏秋冬不再变化and Season ever changed

    当花草树木全部凋残and Flora ever thrived

    我还是不能和你分散 Before I would part from you

    你的笑容是我今生最大的眷恋 Your smiling attaches me to the world

    让我们红尘作伴活的潇潇洒洒 Just enjoy each other, forgetting the rest

    策马奔腾共享人世繁华relish the lush life heading foward

    对酒当歌唱出心中喜悦sing before goblet and let out our passion

    轰轰烈烈把握青春年华to Love abandonedly once