帮忙翻译这段歌词 never let it go


  • never let it 绝不让它稍纵即逝

    Here we go!深情的前奏~我们开始啦~

    I wont let go...我决不放手让它走

    Of the days when songs were made of gold 在那些由金子铸成歌曲的日子里

    Regret to break the mold 遗憾地打破陈规

    When I live and breathe every line in every note.当我们在每条五线谱上的每个音符上生存和呼吸时

    Cause those words,gave me strength when I wasn't strong enough to make it on my own.当我没有强大到仅靠个人力量独自取得成功时,那些话给了我力量

    Who would have ever though that six strings would have the means to strike this chord.谁曾料想到吉他(六弦琴)又是激起了内心共鸣

    I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...我始终坚信平凡的生活也可使我们冲破难关取得成功

    Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.因为从不曾有其他事物让我感到如此真实

    Let the music take control!让音乐在我掌控之下

    That sound is beautiful 这声音如此美妙

    And I'll never let it go (never let it go) 我绝不让它稍纵即逝(绝不稍纵即逝)

    No i'll never let it go 不,我绝不让它稍纵即逝

    Cause to this day it means everything to carry on the torch因为这一天意味着进行火炬传递

    Ignite a flame inside us all (inside us all)我们将被放在里面一起点燃

    Cause these words give me hope when it all seems impossible to face the world alone 当独自面对着世界,有些事好似不可能完成时,这些话给了我希望

    And I will always have this feeling as a means to rise above...并且


    I still believe this ordinary life can make it through...我始终坚信平凡的生活也可使我们冲破难关取得成功

    Cause nothing else has ever felt so true.因为从不曾有其他事物让我感到如此真实

    Let the music take control!让音乐在我掌控之下

    That sound is beautiful这声音如此美妙

    And I'll never let it go (never let it go)我绝不让它稍纵即逝(绝不稍纵即逝)

    No i'll never let it go 不,我绝不让它稍纵即逝

    Let the music take control!让音乐在我掌控之下

    That sound is beautiful 这声音如此美妙

    And I'll never let it go (never let it go) 我绝不让它稍纵即逝(绝不稍纵即逝)

    No i'll never let it go不,我绝不让它稍纵即逝

    Cause when all is said and done this song will carry on when we are all dead and gone 因为当我们都已死去,毕竟音乐还将继续

    Cause this ordinary note is everything we know and we should never let it go因为这平凡的音符是我们所了解的,决不可任其稍纵即逝的一切