A 1 On wednesday evening.2 In twenty minutes' time.3 at five to twelve.B 1 in 2 on 3 in 4 in 5 at 6 on in 7 in 8 at in 9 till C 1 The meeting will begin at 3 o'clouk.2 My father bought his first car in 1980.3 The shop opens from 9 a.m.till 10p.m.4 My children go to school in the morning.5 The new bridge will be finished in 2 years'time.6 My parents often go for a walk in the evening.7 They went to church lase Sunday.难点A 1 I haven't any money./I have no monney.2 I didn't go anywhere./I went nowhere.3 I didn't buy anything./I bought nothing.4 There wasn't anyone .There's no one.B He has no hobbies.He goes nowhere.He sees nobody.He is interested in nothing except food.多项选择 cb daabb dbbdc