

  • Since the two waves of immigration and opening up in the late 1970s and early 1990s,China’s third waves of immigration after ten years in the entering new century have become increasingly rapid.China has become the world’s largest country of immigrants currently,it has 35 million immigrates over the world.However,in the immigration process,there were some differences,frictions and conflicts,such as religions,language systems,cultural traditions,until the basic necessities,between immigrants and inhabitants,for the differences between the cultural backgrounds,values,ways of thinking,languages,social systems,customs,and emotional ways of expression.This research aims on analysis between Chinese immigrants and the cultural differences and aboriginal reasons,and try to find a solution to the cultural conflicts.

    This topic firstly analyzes the present existing problems of cultural conflict immigrations,and then through the analysis of Chinese and western cultures,values,ways of thinking,and other aspects,explore the origins of Sino-occidental cultural differences,based on this study Chinese immigrants faces five reasons (conflict is cultural backgrounds,values,ways of thinking,feelings,language systems and expressions),and finally put forward the effective methods to solve these problems,to achieve the realization of cultural coexistence,and the mutual integration.

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