The plan: turn Mars into a blue world with streams and gre


  • 5---8 ABAB


    5.A 主旨大意题。根据第一段第一句The plan: turn Mars into a blue world with streams and green fields, and then fill it with creatures from the earth.可知这段短文主要讲的是火星改造计划的设想。

    6.B细节题。根据短文所述,科学家反对这个设想的理由有:“We are destroying our own world at an unbelievable speed and now we are talking about ruining another planet”, 和that would destroy all these native lifeforms。B项没有提到。

    7.A推测题。根据scientists have become increasingly confident they will find Martian life forms. Europe and America’s robot explorers have found proof that water, mixed with soil, exists in large amounts on the planet的内容,我们知道科学家越来越相信火星上存在生命,因为有证据表明火星土壤中存在大量的水,故可断定水是生命存在的关键要素。

    8.B 推理题。根据The gas(methane) is a waste product of living creatures and could be produced by microbes living in the red planet’s soil可知,火星大气层中存在甲烷的迹象,而甲烷是活着的动物产生的废物,据此科学家推断这可能是生活在火星上的微生物产生的。故可得出结论:火星上可能存在微生物,主要证据是火星在大气层中发现了甲烷的迹象。