1.Einstein like Base's paper so much that he ___ his son wor


  • 1.Einstein like Base's paper so much that he ___ his son work and translated it into German .

    A has made contact with B has made contact C has been contacting with D has baan contacting

    选A.make contact with意为“与…联系”,that引导的宾语从句中,and连接同等成分(这里连接同一种时态即现在完成时),"he has made contact with his son work and (he has) translated it into German".

    2.___ well prepared you are,you still need a lot of luck in the mountain climbing.

    A however B whatever C No matter D Although

    选A.”无论你准备的如何充分...“.疑问词ever=No matter +疑问词(无论...).

    3.The spaceship will be launched by the end of the year ___ the weather.

    A depend B to depend on C depened on D depending on

    选D.句子译文:基于天气的原因,宇宙飞船将到年底被发射.depend on”取决于“,而depending on the weather现在分词短语作原因状语.