英语短文改错与几个短语的造句原文 Dear Robert,Thanks for your letter of April


  • 第一行:April 10——April 10th;get——got; I'd pretty ——I'm pretty ;第二行:introduce me——introduce myself; aged——aging; study——studying;第三行:a 去掉;was to——will;根据后文,应该是two days,不是two months; after over——in;最后一句改为:I want to study medicine and to be a doctor working for poor peasant so much that I try to make full use of every hour and sdudy till night every day.不知道这个是不是你自己写的,感觉很不地道,抱歉,改了很多地方.造句:(词霸上很多的)1,fond of : I'm fond of pop music.我喜欢流行音乐.2,in order to: I got up early in order to not to be late for school.我起早床为了不迟到.3, much too: The T-shirt is much too dear.这件T恤太贵了.4, such as: I like many sports, such as walking, swimming and playing football. 我喜欢很多运动,比如散步,游泳和踢足球.5, so that: I like apple very much so that I eat two apples every day.我非常喜欢吃苹果所以我每天吃两个.6, except for: The teacher did everything he could except for having dinner.老师把所有的事情都处理掉了,除了吃饭以外.7, come about: The accident came about immediately. 事故很快就发生了.8, bring in: The farmers are bringing in the apples now.农民们现在都在收获苹果.9, a number of: I have a number of friends. 我有很多朋友.10, have difficulty in doing: I have difficulty in reading books because my eyes were hurt yesterday.我看书很困难,因为我昨天把眼睛给弄伤了. 闲来无事,赚点经验值,顺便复习了下初中的英语知识,哈哈...