

  • 我的梦想是生活在一个没有战争,没有天灾,没有疾病的世界里.在这样的世界里,人们可以不用为了生活而忙碌,不用为了生活而烦恼.没有病人,没有地震,没有我们一直都厌恶的战争,一个世界的人都是朋友!

    My dream is to live in a world without wars, natural disasters, or diseases. In such a world, people don't have to bustle or worry about getting a living. There is no one sick; there is no earthquake, neither is there war that we always hate. All people in this world are friends with each other.


    In another word, my dream is to live in Shangri La.

    (Shangri La香格里拉,在西方人眼中就是人间天堂,世外桃源)