At the moment humans are making carbon dioxide faster than plants can turn it back into oxygen.Carbon dioxide goes into the atmosphere and forms a blanket over the earth,warming it up.This causes climate change,which is threatening human life with rising sea levels,storms and floods.
Low carbon lifestyles create less carbon dioxide emissions.Activities that create carbon dioxide are driving cars,heating homes,generating electricity,flying planes,making goods in factories and transporting things a long way.So in a low carbon lifestyle you live closer to work,insulate your home,holiday by train,buy local products and eat local food.It's a better life too!
Here are some ways any ordinary person can make to make a greener environment:reduce pollution by taking the bus instead of driving your car,stop using plastic bags and use recycled or paper bags,eat natural food instead of processed food,save energy by cutting down the time spent watching TV and many other ways to protect the environment.