英语作文 should people be judged by appearances?


  • 第一段先介绍大的背景,然后写某些人以貌取人,然后最后一句写你的观点,同意或不同意.

    第二段写你支持的论点.第一句引出你的论点:convincing augument can be made out that:judging people by apprearance is incorrect.第二句写一句话支持分论点,第三句 支持第二句.比如:at first,whether one specified apprearence is acceptable or unacceptable is largely judeged by one's personal view.Therefore,the opinion for one's dress is biased and consequentially not objective and balance.前两句是第一个分论点.后面在写两个论点并有相关支持.总四句话.

    第三段是让步段,写你不支持的.如:admittedly,judging people by appearance is sometimes reasonable.for instance.even so,这句是转折,写这样做还是不对的.然后在写一句来支持转折观点.

    最后一段总结 in summary,...