What can managers do to motivate people who do not have,or d


  • Employees' performance has been established to be directly related to employees' motivation.This assertion was corroborated by different management theories since the works of Frederick Taylor on 'The Principle of Scientific Management' in 1911 and Henry Gantt on 'Works,Wages and Profits' in 1913.Modern employees' motivation management methods have evolved which discredited Taylor's "differential rate piece-work" and Gantt's "task and bonus wage" systems.

    The modern methods are employees' oriented and more effective.This research work was to ascertain from the employees the motivating factors that can 'adequately' motivate them to work tirelessly and to achieve results.It found out that employees can be adequately motivated and are best suited to determine what can collectively motivate them.


    Motivation is the catalyst that spurns employees' eagerness to work without pressure.To motivate is to provide employees with a motive to do some tasks.It is to cause or provoke somebody to act either positively or negatively.To say that nobody can motivate employees at work is like saying there are no influential leaders,there are no effective managers,there are no motivational speakers,the psychologists in sports management teams are useless and that motivation is not achievable.Motivation has been used by effective managers to prompt ordinary people to achieve uncommon results in all fields of endeavours.

    If you doubt there is motivation,read "I have a dream",the public speech by Martin Luther King,Jr.,when he talked of his ambition for an America where blacks and whites,the poor and the rich,the educated and uneducated,the youths and the old and others would co-exist harmoniously and peacefully as equals on August 28,1963 from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial (Lucas and Medhurst,1999).Managers who have been able to motivate their employees successfully realised how easy it is to achieve tasks with motivated employees.